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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Movie Review - Zombie Town (2007)

If you’re a true fan of horror, gore and zombies like me, than you can appreciate films which are not considered mainstream. I’m a big advocate for independent film makers and their efforts; it’s what keeps the genre alive. That said I would invite you all to watch "Zombie Town" (2007). I was really impressed with this one.

I would categorize this story as a horror survival, the premise seems to be very reminiscent of the movie "Night of the Creeps" (1986). Townspeople become infected and are filled with black slug parasites. This makes them zombies going around biting other innocent locals. Then, enter- a small group of 20 something’s banding together trying to solve the mystery, come up with a plan and execute the annihilation of their zombie infected town folk.

There was a bit of subtle humour that reminds me of "Zombie Land" (2009), but it's all about the delivery. The zombies running amok were a cross between that of "28 Days" and "Night of the Living Dead", -a good combination. The camera work was a bit shaky at times, overall not too too bad. The acting was poorly done though, everything from overacting to sounding too rehearsed. Aside from that, this movie didn't lack in the gore department. There was lots of blood and guts making it very graphic, so much so that Romeo himself would be proud.

So being what it was, I give this movie 7/10 and if anything you should watch for the gore and the primary influence from "Night of the Creeps". Who said that there is a whole lot of nothing going on in small towns?

1 comment:

  1. I’m in agreement of the importance of independent film making but sometimes you just wish a movie was never made. I would classify Zombie Town as being one of them. The only part of the movie that was good was the unique way in which the infection takes control of its host. The storyline was decent but everything else was a steep downhill decline to me wanting to throw something at my TV. I wouldn’t go in to detail but will agree it is a much watch zombie in terms of how bad the acting for a sure laugh. The best part of the movie? Only being 67 minutes long.
